Spy Museum: up to 20% discount for school groups with a combined ticket

The budget of the class fund for the school trip is tight again? Save up to 20% on your class trip activities with this combination ticket!

Combo ticket: spy museum + spy scavenger hunt
“Escape & Espionage at the Wall” by SchoolRallye

Regular prices:

Spy museum for students: 7,00€
SchoolRallye regular price: €12.00


= Regular price together: 19,00€

Save up to 20% with a combined ticket:

New combined ticket price: 14,50€
per student + free for teachers

Out of stock, available again soon!

Buy here

Highlights of the spy museum for school classes:

  • Time travel through the history of espionage
  • Finding bugs & laser course
  • Decrypt information
  • NSA discussion and big data in the present

The German Spy Museum in Berlin offers school groups an exciting and interactive opportunity to discover the world of espionage. Students can see original spy devices, decipher hidden messages, find bugs and write with secret inks. The exhibition covers the history of espionage from ancient times to the present day and offers exciting attractions such as a laser course and a document puzzle. Multimedia installations address data protection and social networks, while guided tours provide in-depth insights into topics such as cryptography and the Cold War.

Highlights from “Escape & Espionage at the Wall”:

  • GPS puzzle tour about GDR escape through a tunnel
  • Real escape tunnel & wall strips on the route
  • Experience the reasons for fleeing (including Stasi surveillance)
  • View of border area & TV tower
    + Free souvenir as a reminder

SchoolRallye's digital scavenger hunt “Flight & Espionage at the Berlin Wall” is based on real events and playfully shows students what socialist life felt like in the GDR. Is my own neighbor a spy, or can I trust him? How did differences in currencies or waiting times for goods come about? Guided by the instructions via smartphone, students navigate through the political conflicts of the GDR regime. They use encryption techniques, such as the Stasi. Whether the planned escape remains undetected depends on the team's skill!

No items found.
Captivating stories & puzzles
Discover historical sites while playing
Stunning photo backdrops

1. German Spy Museum

Where the Berlin Wall divided the city until 1989, the museum provides a unique insight into the shadowy realm of espionage. Visitors are provided with the latest technologies to uncover the sophisticated and sometimes bizarre methods used by agents and secret services in a multimedia and interactive way. Germany's only spy museum offers a thrilling journey through time from biblical scouts to the present and future in the middle of the spy capital. Decipher secret codes, pass the laser course, get your “secure” password cracked and hack your favorite website!

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Highlights des Spionage-Museums für Schulklassen:

  • Zeitreise durch die Geschichte der Spionage
  • Wanzen zu finden & Laserparcour
  • Informationen entschlüsseln
  • NSA-Diskussion und Big Data in der Gegenwart

Das Deutsche Spionagemuseum in Berlin bietet Schulklassen eine spannende und interaktive Möglichkeit, die Welt der Spionage zu entdecken. Schüler können originale Spionagegeräte sehen, versteckte Nachrichten entschlüsseln, Wanzen suchen und mit Geheimtinten schreiben. Die Ausstellung umfasst die Geschichte der Spionage von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart und bietet aufregende Attraktionen wie einen Laserparcours und ein Aktenpuzzle. Multimedia-Installationen thematisieren Datenschutz und soziale Netzwerke, während Führungen vertiefende Einblicke in Themen wie Kryptografie und den Kalten Krieg geben.

Für mehr Inspiration schaue Dir auch die Liste aller Klassenfahrt Aktivitäten in Berlin mit aktuellen Preisen und Links zu den Bildungsangeboten an.